The game’s true strength lies in its flair. The game is sort of like Doom’s meth addicted brother dressed up in a Call of Duty costume that doesn’t fit all that well. This combined with the absolutely ludicrous amounts of them scattered and spawning throughout a level and the poor checkpoint system will have you doing the same things over and over again every time you die. Enemies are a bit bullet spongy and will take you a lot longer than you’d thing to bring them down. Levels can last too long despite the game actually being relatively short.

The game does have some small side objectives you can do during main levels but there isn’t much else to do outside of running from start to finish in a hail of glory.

Gameplayīlack’s gameplay mainly revolves around shooting enemies. Animations, models and textures are really well done and can actually hold up incredibly well. Each weapon is fun to use, especially with the over the top visual effects that dominate the screen as you slaughter the enemy soldiers. Everything you’d expect is here from assault rifles and sub machine guns to pistols, grenades and of course, shotguns. Toolsīlack features about 12 or so different weapons that you can use to mow down the seemingly endless ways of generic looking bad guys that come your way.

Not that you would expect it too either but at least it won’t detract from the experience which might be for the best. That’s the whole plot and it leaves a lot to be desired as it clearly is not the main focus of the game. You play as special soldier guy who fights evil guys with guns. It also features an incredibly long and unskippable opening cutscene that stands out as being out of place considering the game’s plot isn’t exactly very interesting. Black is centered around a special forces soldier Jack Keller going a quest to blow things up and hunt down bad guys.